DATE: Thursday 31 August, 1995

PLACE: Tully Cross, Renvyle Peninsular


The Famine Road and Omey Island

REMARKS: Michael and Freda start their return trip today so we farewell them before setting of for Louisburgh and the Grace O'Malley Centre.

This has a very interesting video documentary (although it is often talking heads and not a great deal of action for the kids) and a very informative static display.

We travel the coastal, Famine Road, and note a memorial to the Doolough Tragedy. It seems that rumour spread, during the famine, of the arrival of a boatload of food. Naturally the starving locals were attracted, but the boat never eventuated, and all had to walk back, many dying in the process.

We stop once more at the Abbey so that the kids can put out the fire of Mary of Maam' s money is burning in their collective pockets.

Next stop: find Omey Island, where a King (or was it a Davis) was in the Coast Guard.

Narrow country lanes lead us to a tidal neck where access is possible when the tide is out. The cemetery has numerous headstones of the right names but no obvious ones of the right period. Clearly more research by letter is needed.

However, we have now seen all the King sites in the area and have photos (I hope) of buildings, graves, and the stark, unforgiving landscape.






Tully Cross


Granuaile Visitor Centre

Famine Road

Doolough Tragedy

Kylemore Abbey

Omey Island

All the photos in one place!



Granuaile (Grace O'Malley)

Doolough Tragedy

Kylemore Abbey

Omey Island

Maps & Aerial Photos

Our thanks to all & sundry