DATE: Saturday 5 August, 1995
PLACE: London
REMARKS: A chance to catch up with laundry before braving
the City and Shops.
Underground to Charing Cross (where police are thick on
the ground). Then we walk to Trafalgar Square and onto Regent
Street. Again few balconies and shops aren't always easy to
recognise at a distance. The crowds are amazing - mostly tourists,
and the thickest we have seen. A polyglot of nationalities
and a predominance of the young. We find Hamleys Toyshop
and wander its 5 floors. The range is not as diverse as I
had expected: few experimental, developmental toys; lots of
the popular ranges. And the prices are not cheap. The kids
each get one item - Sarah kosh balls; Jayne a little bear;
and Charlotte 2 small trolls.
On into Oxford Street, we try Debenhams and pay West End
prices for a light lunch. We find Selfridges (of the impressive
statue over the entrance) but are running out of steam.
We collect the car from Avis and negotiate the streets to
Sainsbury's in Chiswick and a quiet evening.