Los Angeles impressions

• Hazy atmosphere

• Abundant plant growth & profligate water use

• Queues

• Scale - LA vast & sprawling & (relatively) flat

• Courtesy - formulaic?

• Queues: Amazing acceptance of rigidly engineered people movement through 'sheepyard' style lanes.

• Only one complaint overheard & one queue-jumper (who was then fingered by others and removed by security staff) observed.

• Little or no overt security at Disneyland or Universal Studios despite the vast numbers, but equally the atmosphere was completely safe and non-threatening. Our main fear was the kids getting separated & lost.

• Disneyland was completely artificial -even real plants contrived to look false and managed.

• Retention of 1 and 2 cent coins seems anachronistic, as do odd prices such as $1.87; taxes added to the displayed price often produce these unusual prices.

• Why do the 'great individualists' (as Americans purport to be) so willingly submit to the management and engineering of crowd movements?

• The borrowing of icons (stereotypes) of other cultures (as in the Small World displays). Equally puzzling is the extent to which we recognize and participate in their use - I wonder which came first?

• The self-reinforcing and self-aggrandizement of Universal Studios & Disneyland begins to grate. Does self-promotion have a limit at which it becomes self-defeating?






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Our thanks to all & sundry