Touring London by bus

DATE: Sunday 9 July, 1995

PLACE: London


REMARKS: Bryce stayed with a friend to enable an early start to a visit in Hastings so we have to fend for ourselves. Still not able to get away as early as I would have liked.

We take the Tube to Charing Cross (we're fast becoming experts at this). From there to Trafalgar Square to get a Tour bus and a day-long ticket. Excellent way to see a very crowded area & find the significance of sites.

Leave the bus at St Paul's for a look inside. Truly stunning. Glorious paintings on the inside of the Dome, but the most amazing part was beyond easy viewing. The ceilings above the Altar and Choir Stalls are decorated - evocative illustrations with rich and vibrant colours, especially the blues and greens; all magnificently accentuated by the glittering and liberally-applied gold-leaf. Interesting too that so many of the memorials & statues are to military exploits, heroes and events. Mute testimony to the turbulent, warring and imperial past of Britain - clearly still redolent in the lives of many today, even in the current reduced circumstances of the nation.

Back on the bus and forward, now to cross and re-cross the Thames as far as Tower Bridge, and the Tower. What I found surprising was the diversity of the buildings and roof-lines - echoed perhaps by Ian Athfield & Roger Walker? Also the 'city within a city' feel of the area around the White (inner) Tower.

The Crown Jewels allowed an interesting comparison with queuing in Disneyland. More disorderly here with Europeans (French?) ignoring basic courtesies. The jewels themselves are presented in a way which .brings out stunning colours in the rubies, emeralds, and sapphires.

The armoury includes fascinating Oriental daggers with odd handles, exquisitely decorated German flintlocks, and medieval armour most notable for its smallness. The Ravens are big birds!

A lengthy wait for the right bus in which to complete the tour to Parliament, Hyde Park, Lambeth Palace, etc.

The kids are fading fast until dinner at MacDonalds revives them. Then home to bed & a busy morning departing for Italy.






St Paul's

Tower Bridge

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St Paul's

Tower Bridge

Maps & Aerial Photos

St Paul's

Tower Bridge

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Our thanks to all & sundry