DATE: Sunday 20 August, 1995
PLACE: Belfast
REMARKS: Having done a little shopping in the local co-op
on Saturday evening, we venture into the City Centre to the
Information Office. It is not as well stocked as others, but
is helpful. The city Museum is only open in the afternoon
so we go home again.
The afternoon is a barbecue with friends of Kirsten and
Adrian. A pleasant mix of middle-class people, several couples
our age with kids, so Jayne and Charlotte are soon at ease.
We mix, drink, and eat the afternoon away, while the 'locals'
(including an Australian and a Scot) marvel at their good
fortune over the weather. The evening is an 'at home'.
Kirsten's advice is that most people don't use supermarkets,
but the local corner-store, butcher, etc. Given the relative
'poverty' of the area this can only be self-reinforcing, as
their prices will inevitably be higher.